Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5/16/17 Emerging Technology Class Reflection

I had so much fun in Emerging Technology this semester. I loved all the hands-on projects we did, and all the cool and different software we used throughout second semester. What I enjoyed most about the class was how great all the projects were, and how I understand technology way more now after taking this class. I feel like my technology skills have improved immensely, and I can now understand it on another level. I liked all the great feedback I was given, and Mrs. Peres helped us understand the assignments more when things got a little challenging. My favorite assignment over the whole semester would probably be the website because I got to make a fun website about something I enjoyed. I got to customize it in a unique and intriguing way too. It was very easy to understand as well which also made the project more enjoyable. I currently don't have any suggestions on how to improve the class for next year because this year was pretty awesome. Everything was really organized and fun which also made the class great. This was a really fun class, and it helped make my second semester great!

Monday, May 15, 2017

5/12/17 How To Video

I had a lot of fun using PowerPoint Mix and Office 365! I really enjoyed this assignment; however, I felt super awkward making all the recordings and videos, and I cringe whenever I watch my presentation. Haha oh well. I really did enjoy making this project though. With the time I had to compare Office 365 and Google drive material, I probably prefer google for accessing it throughout other computers and at home, but I loved the features Office 365 offered for the PowerPoint. I probably would use PPT Mix again if the future if I truly needed it for a school project or something related to it. Otherwise, I don't know when I would use it. It is a great tool to learn how to use though.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4 Website Reflection

I really enjoyed building my own website! I really liked using Wix because it gave me a lot of cool options to choose from in order to make my website. I didn't  have enough time to try Weebly because I was too far in creating my website on Wix. I found it actually pretty easy to navigate and work with Wix while creating my website. However, there was a little tutorial I did that really helped me catch on to how use Wix. I would really like to use Wix to create a website in the future! It was easy to use once I got the hang of it and the end results of the websites look so professional. The free option gave you a lot of options to create a website with. My two favorite websites made by classmates would have to be: Nikki J and Haleema S's websites. Both their website were so cool and so creative and different from everyone else. Nikki's had so many cool features that made the website very fun and interactive. It had a lot of great information on it about protecting our earth which I think is pretty cool. Haleema's website was also very cool. It had fun graphics and it was over fashion and fun outfits that were put together on an app called Polyvore. What was also great about both of their websites was that they both looked so professional! This project was very fun and I enjoyed it!

Monday, May 1, 2017

4/25 Website Selection

I have never created a website before. I have heard of Weebly and Wix before though. After looking through both the websites I decided to make my website on Wix. I loved all the available options I had access to. For my website, I decided to do it on dance. I'm going to post somethings about my studio and some other fun websites for dance wear. I may even involve a dance DIY (do it yourself) of some sort. I kind of want my website to be a dancer blog. So hopefully it will turn out pretty well, and I'm excited to create it!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/18/17 Current Event #5

I had a lot of fun making this current event. It was involved a new technology that helped girls learn computational skills. The software used to help the girls learn these skills was a software using dance, movement, and choreography. This really struck me because I had no idea that dance could help people learn about programming and computational/science skills. It was very cool to see just how dance can impact technology. This type of technology was described as the future for girls moving into a science career.

Current Event 

Monday, April 17, 2017

4/17 Favorite New Apps

Personally, I really enjoyed this project. I had a lot of fun picking out an app that I wanted to research. I got the ability to pick an app I wanted, and I got to collaborative on it with my classmates. I was able to try and persuade them to get the app which was pretty interesting as well. What was also good about this project is that I'm using the app my project was over. The app, iHomework 2, has really helped keep my homework and study days organized. I feel less stressed about my homework schedule and dance schedule thanks to my app I did for this project.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

4/13/17 Survey

4/13/17 Online Forms/Surveys

I have never used Google Drive to create any form of some sort. I honestly don't know what this means entirely... I do feel that it has something to do with a survey or something like that. I have no experience with survey-generating software. I guess I could have used it if i took a survey for the school, but other than that I have never used it to make one. I have not used any of them or know what kinds of companies with survey-generating software out there. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

4/4/17 Apps

I use apps a lot throughout my day. Whenever I am on my phone I usually go to an app to waste some time. They make my life easier by being able to communicate with my friends through my phone, organize my information, put together my calendar, do some online shopping, and being able to watch movies and shows. I honestly couldn't imagine my life with out apps. I wouldn't be able to do any of the things I mentioned earlier on my phone. What other purpose would a phone have if it didn't have apps? There is no way I could live with out apps on my phone. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

4/3/2017 My Weekend

My weekend was very crazy and busy dance weekend. On Friday night I got to babysit, and once I was done I had to get all my dance costumes together because this past weekend was spacing and dress rehearsal for me. On Saturday I woke up at 6:00 am and got ready for spacing rehearsal. I got to spacing rehearsal at 7:10 am and I was ready to start my day. I danced all day until 6:30 pm. After dancing, I got to babysit again that night. Then on Sunday I had dress rehearsal. I danced all day in my costumes so we could look at what needed to be done to some of them, and also to see if they were ready for the dance competitions coming up soon. Once my day of dance was done I went to my sister's volleyball game. By the time I got home I went to bed because I was so tired. My weekend was very busy!

Friday, March 31, 2017

3/31 Current Event #4

3/31 NCAA Reflection

In our class competition, I have learned so much about basketball, March Madness, and how brackets work. I have never filled out a bracket in my life prior to this class. I had no knowledge about seed placements, how good each team was, and how the brackets work that I kind of put down random teams for my bracket. However, the bracket made me more aware of the games going on during March Madness. I wanted my bracket to do well, so I watched more basketball games than I have ever watched in my life. I may have to do another bracket next year because my bracket this year was terrible. I learned how to use formulas, merge cells, and use color to make my spreadsheet more fun in Google Sheets. I had to visually make my bracket in Microsoft Word because Google Docs was a little to frustrating for me to use. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this project, and I'm a little more interested in basketball now.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Blog Post 3/30

I have many favorite movies and TV shows that I love that I don't know if I could pick one. If I had to pick a movie I'd pick Clueless or The Help. Clueless is about a 15-year-old girl named Cher living in Beverly Hills, California and what her sophomore year at high school is like. The Help is set in the 1960's during the Civil Rights era. The movie focuses on three main people: Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson, and Miss Skeeter. Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson are the colored help for families in Jackson, Mississippi, while Miss Skeeter is a young white college grad who wants to write for a living. These three characters join forces to help fight against the social injustice facing African-Americans in their community through the power of words. Unfortunately I don't have much time to watch TV shows with all the dancing I do, but I totally recommend to watch Downton Abbey. This show is based on the privileged Crawley family in England during the time of the Titanic to 1925. The show follows the outcomes of the choices of not only the Crawley family, but also the maids and butlers of their house, Downton Abbey. The show matches very well to the history of what was actually going on in that era of time and they have great character development for everyone in the show. It is a very good show. I highly recommend you to watch Downton Abbey, Clueless, and The Help.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3/21 Spring Break

I had a super fun spring break. After we got out of school, I flew to Arizona to start my spring break. I went to Arizona with my friend Libby, my mom, and Libby' s mom. While we were there we went to a Royal's game, hung around the pool, and even went to a rodeo on our last night. It was a very relaxing and fun trip to have. The mountains landscape of Arizona was so pretty and cool. We stayed in Arizona for about a week. Once I came back the rest of my spring break consisted of me hanging out with some of my other friends. I also applied for a hostess job at Ted's and Yaya's. This past Sunday I spent all day at dance rehearsals which was really tiring and exhausting. Then on my last day of spring break I hung out with my friends for a few hours and then took my sister to lunch. Once my day was almost over, I went to dance again. I got back into the groove of my dance schedule and we are now preparing for competition season. Now I'm back at school getting ready to finish my 4th quarter of freshman year.
Royal's game


Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/02/17 Infographic Peer Feedback

I loved going and seeing my classmates' infographics. All of their projects showed what they were passionate about, and that was very cool to see. I reviewed Lexie B's, Miranda O's, Jack H's, Kenneth S's, and Lauren S's infographics. All of their projects were so informing, organized, creative, and colorful! They were all visually pleasing to look at, as well as getting facts and statistics from them. All of their topics were different and special too. No topic was used more than once for each of these five people. Lexie's was over wedding dresses, Miranda's was about softball, Jack's was about his rec basketball team "Cut Squad," Kenneth's was about back to school money spending, and Lauren's was about the gender divide. The projects were all so unique and creative! As well as being creative and unique, the projects looked like actual infographics you could find from the web. They are all organized and look so professional. These were some of the best infographics I've seen!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2/27/17 - Infographic Reflection

I learned a lot about infographics. I now know that they are more appealing and easier for people to use. They use a lot of pictures and charts, but very little words. I had a lot of fun creating my own infographic. I liked making one over dance especially because I am very passionate about it. I could possibly use my newly founded infographic skills to make infographics for upcoming school projects. I have also been using these websites to help me with my honors biology research paper. I used Piktochart as my site to create my infographics. It was very easy to navigate and use. It was easy to create it the way I envisioned my project to be. I would definitely use this site again for other projects, but I'd like to explore some other infographic sites as well. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

2/23 My Infographic

My Infographic

Infographic Link

Dance Statistics Sources:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

2/23 Infographics

An infographic is very neat and interesting. It is a visual image that can be a chart, diagram, picture, graph, narrative, timeline, or checklist used to represent data in a fun and colorful way. The purpose of an infographic is to lessen the about of words being used in a story or poster. Instead of having to read paragraphs on top of paragraphs about statistics, it is easier and more appealing for the audience to read and look at visuals. They are more engaging and focus mostly on insights. It is important for an infographic to stay focused on the message rather than the artistic greatness of it. Any type of information can be displayed on an infographic ranging from medical statistics, to hobby news, and even to teaching some one a specific dance step. Infographics can help the audience really engage in what data is being presented. They are something that an audience would prefer to look at over the option of paragraphs. I could use infographics on my biology research paper this year, and even future assignments where I need to show visuals such as infographics. Personally, I think infographics are really fun and cool visuals to use!

Examples of Infographics:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21/17 Canva vs. Lucid Press

I had a lot of fun using both of these design programs. I feel like Canva was very easy to join and use. It had a simple layout of options which was very nice. Some pros of Canva is they have easy accessibility for design options and the designs they have a very fun and neat. Some cons of Canva were some of the design options that looked cool costed many and there were many of those options too. Some pros of Lucid Press were they had specific templates already made for certain projects and it was fairly easy to use too. Lucid Press had some cons too. It costed money to have the pro version of Lucid Press and there weren't too many fonts to choose from. In my opinion, Canva created the nicest, trendiest documents because they had so many fun options to choose from and use. Canva probably provided the most free features, but there was still a lot to buy. Lucid Press did have many free features too,  but I think Canva had a larger variety. My favorite design program would probably have to be Canva. There were a lot of fun options, colors, and fonts to choose from. It was a very creative and fun site to use. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2/16 My Dream Business

A business I would love to start and run would have to be a dance store for clothes and shoes. I'd want this to be one of the top dance wear stores in the United States. I would love to be able to run something like this because 1.) I love to dance and 2.) I love clothes, so why not put my two favorite things in one dream? I would love to have many store locations, but I'd love to have headquarters in New York City! I would provide online service and shopping, and I'd like my dance wear models to be actual dancers from studios all over the United States. I'd hire them and promote them to the world.I would also love to donate 30-50% of my proceeds to help girls and boys get started in dance and to support them through their dance careers. I'd love to use some of these kids as my models too. Along with headquarters in New York City, I'd love to have other major locations around to span out my business.

Business Card



Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2/13/17 Canva Fun!

I could use these different templates and formats in many different ways. For Canva Project #1, I could use it as an inspirational post to put out on social media, or I could put it on a poster format to hang around the school to inspire others. For Canva Project #2, I could use this to make party invitations for a birthday party coming up soon. If it was a poster, but it didn't say "Happy Birthday" on it, I could use the poster format to put out information about a club at school or etc. Finally, for Canva Project #3, this form of a Power Point/Prezi could be used to make a project for any type of class that I need. It is very dandy to use for school projects. Overall, Canva is a very fun site to use for all types of things ranging from social media posts to school projects. I had a lot of fun working on Canva! I can't wait to use it again sometime soon. 

Canva Project #1:

Canva Project #2:

Canva Project #3:

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/13/17 Sweetheart Weekend

My sweetheart weekend went very well. I was not able to go to the game at Southwest. However, I got to start off my day dancing. I was at my studio from 9:15-3:00 in rehearsals for my dances. After dance I went and got ready for the Sweetheart dance. Once I was ready, my group met at the Prairie Fire Museum to take pictures. Once pictures were finished we went to Izumi's for dinner. Unfortunately it was very busy and we didn't get seated till 7:51 (our reservations were at 7). We had fun there and then we went to the dance. Then we went to our friend's after party and had a blast. Then on the Sunday after Sweetheart, I had more dancing to do. My Sweetheart weekend was so much fun! I can't wait till the next one! 

Friday, February 10, 2017

2/5/2016 - ET Course Reflection & Personal Report Card

Part 1
In Emerging Technologies I have all of my assignments turned in. I have been receiving "5s" on all of my daily blog posts so far. I also did receive a 10/10 on my current event assignment from 1/26/17. I feel like I am doing very well in this class. I have been able to understand technology a whole lot better this year. I think I'm doing great on learning new things about technology this year. For me, Emerging Technologies is  a fairly easy class for me. I have been able to keep up with the workload and get my stuff done efficiently. I have learned about social bookmarking this year, applying technology to my life such as: blogs, canva, working with partners virtually, and etc., and learning about new technology coming out everyday that helps us expand with technology in the future. 

Part 2
I had fun making this project. I got to express what I love and do based on a report card grading. I get to show people a little bit of what my life looks like outside of school, and what I do with my free time. I also loved using Canva. It is a very fun site to use and organize my project on. It has so many fun templates I can use. I can even use Canva for other school projects and personal use later on down the road. 

2/10/2016 - Current Event

I had a lot of fun with this current events project. I found this awesome website that showed me the top 10 emerging technologies from 2016. A lot of these new emerging technologies is stuff I have never heard of before, and they are quite fascinating. They all promote good ideas and lifestyle for future generations to come. I am in awe at some of these things out now. I would have thought these would have been made later in the future, but I guess now is the future of technology.

Source Link

Current Event

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2/9 - Kids These Days

I honestly don't understand kids these days. There is so much that they do that I never did when I was their age. They have all these "cool" and "high tech" technology. If you ask me, it's a bunch of bogus. I understand that the phones are cool and easy to talk to people far away, and they make it easier to reach out to people, but it seems everyone has forgotten their conversation skills. When I was a teenager, I was force to actually talk to people in person! I will admit that all the technology out now is really cool and innovating, but we are so engrossed in it we forget how to have real relationships with people. Hopefully that can change pretty soon.
Yours truly,
80-year-old Sydney

Monday, February 6, 2017

2/6 "Collaborating Remotely" Reflection

It wasn't incredibly hard to work with a partner without talking to them. With technology these days we can communicate easily with others so we can work on projects like this one. I could imagine conducting business this way on a regular basis in the near future. A lot of people do it in the business world now, so I can still see this type of work in the future. I learned how to work together as a team, collaborate on what you both want, and respecting what your partner wants to do. Overall I had a lot of fun working on this project!

Partner Presentation 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2/2/2017 Pictures

PCDF Dance Camp
This was the fourth year I went to Pacific Coast Dance Fest. This is a picture of my new friends at dance camp. We were playing capture the flag/ dodge ball. Everyone gets into it at dance camp.

 Louisburg Cider Mill
I went to the Louisburg Cider Mill in October this year. That is the infamous Louisburg apple cider doughnut. They are really good.

 Disney World
I got to dance in Disney in late October. We were able to perform at Downtown Disney. This is me and some of my friends in Magic Kingdom the day after we performed. 

 Revolution Dance Competition
This was the first time competing this solo last year at Revolution Dance Competition. It was to the song "Circus" by Britney Spears. I had a lot of fun competing this solo.

1/30 Ted Talk Reflection:

 I somewhat agree with the Ted Talk. I think technology is a great innovation of our day. However, Sherry Turkle made some excellent points as to why technology is breaking our relationships with people. She made points such as: people talking to each other less, losing conversation skills, growing in companionship with technology, and feeling alone. after listening to this Ted Talk I plan on changing how I use technology, and try to grow in my conversation skills. I think the digital age will have a huge impact on people in the future. Technology is growing today, and it's going to grow even more in the future. If we can work on being more connected to people now, we can certainly prevent technology from taking over our relationships with people.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1/31/17 Words for Teenagers

I thought this newspaper clip was very powerful for it being a very small bit of this article. I strongly agree with what John Tapene says about what teenagers should do. He was telling us that teenagers need to go out in the world, and do their part as young adults. He is telling this group of people to do their chores, homework, read, visit the sick, and get a job. He wants the point to get across to them that they have to take action today, and how the world owes them nothing. They can't wait around for someone to do it; they have to be that someone.  "You are too important and you are needed. It's too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday," said Tapene, "Someday is now and that somebody is you!"


Friday, January 27, 2017

1/26/17 Social Bookmarking CE

I have a completely new understanding of social bookmarking after ready this article. It gave me incredible insight of what the social bookmarking world looks like. Social bookmarking is a very helpful and beneficial tool. It helps you get to the sites you want quicker and easier, and it is a great organizing tool too. I learned about del.icio.us, a renowned social bookmarking web site, and I hope to use it sometime soon, so I can be able to use a variety of different social bookmarking sites. I had a lot of fun researching and learning more about social bookmarking.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/26/17 Reflection on Chrome and Symbaloo

The two most efficient bookmarking programs are Chrome and Symbaloo. They are both easy to use. For me Symbaloo is more fun to use because you can add a visual element to this program, and have a fun way to organize what you need. Symbaloo also has the ability to share other web mixes with other people using Symbaloo.  On the other hand, Chrome only has a small tab bar and the ability to put stuff in folders. It is better to use Chrome bookmarking when you are wanting to quickly pull up a link. Symbaloo was my favorite one, but both programs are awesome to use.

1/24 Introduction to Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is quite fascinating. It is a tool people use to help them organize, store, search, and manage their web pages. I learned about this tool in my Emerging Technologies class. It is very convenient for people to quickly get to the websites they need. It is a big time saver when you are in a crunch to get stuff done. It is a very efficient tool to use too. You can even create folders to organize your websites even further. There is even one called Symbaloo. Symbaloo lets you put certain web links in a visual setting. It keeps you very organized. I have found social bookmarking very sufficient to use.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/23/17 Alphabetical Advice

Always be kind to others
Be you and only you
Calmness is key
Difference is good
Embrace who you are
Faith is important to have
Get to know others
Hugs always help
Ice cream makes everything better
Jump up and down with joy
Kill them with kindness
Learn to dance in the rain
Mistakes are a part of life
Never give up
Open up
Perseverance is what gets you through the tough stuff
Quitting should not be your easy way out
Reflect on the mistakes you've made, but don't dwell on them
Set your life on fire-seek those who fan your flames -rumi
Toxic relationships aren't worth your time
Understand that people are unpredictable
View the world with a positive mind
Wish not only for the best, but to make it through the worst
X out the haters
Your personality defines you
Zero effort is not an option

Thursday, January 19, 2017

1/17/17 - "PREZI Reflection"

I feel that Prezi was fairly easy to use. In fact, it was as easy as Power Point. The tools on Prezi were easy to find and use. I was able to apply what I wanted for the presentation quickly and efficiently. Personally I would choose Prezi over Power Point because the formatting and presentation of Prezi is visually better.
PREZI Presentation