Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/02/17 Infographic Peer Feedback

I loved going and seeing my classmates' infographics. All of their projects showed what they were passionate about, and that was very cool to see. I reviewed Lexie B's, Miranda O's, Jack H's, Kenneth S's, and Lauren S's infographics. All of their projects were so informing, organized, creative, and colorful! They were all visually pleasing to look at, as well as getting facts and statistics from them. All of their topics were different and special too. No topic was used more than once for each of these five people. Lexie's was over wedding dresses, Miranda's was about softball, Jack's was about his rec basketball team "Cut Squad," Kenneth's was about back to school money spending, and Lauren's was about the gender divide. The projects were all so unique and creative! As well as being creative and unique, the projects looked like actual infographics you could find from the web. They are all organized and look so professional. These were some of the best infographics I've seen!

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