Monday, April 3, 2017

4/3/2017 My Weekend

My weekend was very crazy and busy dance weekend. On Friday night I got to babysit, and once I was done I had to get all my dance costumes together because this past weekend was spacing and dress rehearsal for me. On Saturday I woke up at 6:00 am and got ready for spacing rehearsal. I got to spacing rehearsal at 7:10 am and I was ready to start my day. I danced all day until 6:30 pm. After dancing, I got to babysit again that night. Then on Sunday I had dress rehearsal. I danced all day in my costumes so we could look at what needed to be done to some of them, and also to see if they were ready for the dance competitions coming up soon. Once my day of dance was done I went to my sister's volleyball game. By the time I got home I went to bed because I was so tired. My weekend was very busy!

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