Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/23/17 Alphabetical Advice

Always be kind to others
Be you and only you
Calmness is key
Difference is good
Embrace who you are
Faith is important to have
Get to know others
Hugs always help
Ice cream makes everything better
Jump up and down with joy
Kill them with kindness
Learn to dance in the rain
Mistakes are a part of life
Never give up
Open up
Perseverance is what gets you through the tough stuff
Quitting should not be your easy way out
Reflect on the mistakes you've made, but don't dwell on them
Set your life on fire-seek those who fan your flames -rumi
Toxic relationships aren't worth your time
Understand that people are unpredictable
View the world with a positive mind
Wish not only for the best, but to make it through the worst
X out the haters
Your personality defines you
Zero effort is not an option

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