Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5/16/17 Emerging Technology Class Reflection

I had so much fun in Emerging Technology this semester. I loved all the hands-on projects we did, and all the cool and different software we used throughout second semester. What I enjoyed most about the class was how great all the projects were, and how I understand technology way more now after taking this class. I feel like my technology skills have improved immensely, and I can now understand it on another level. I liked all the great feedback I was given, and Mrs. Peres helped us understand the assignments more when things got a little challenging. My favorite assignment over the whole semester would probably be the website because I got to make a fun website about something I enjoyed. I got to customize it in a unique and intriguing way too. It was very easy to understand as well which also made the project more enjoyable. I currently don't have any suggestions on how to improve the class for next year because this year was pretty awesome. Everything was really organized and fun which also made the class great. This was a really fun class, and it helped make my second semester great!

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