Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4 Website Reflection

I really enjoyed building my own website! I really liked using Wix because it gave me a lot of cool options to choose from in order to make my website. I didn't  have enough time to try Weebly because I was too far in creating my website on Wix. I found it actually pretty easy to navigate and work with Wix while creating my website. However, there was a little tutorial I did that really helped me catch on to how use Wix. I would really like to use Wix to create a website in the future! It was easy to use once I got the hang of it and the end results of the websites look so professional. The free option gave you a lot of options to create a website with. My two favorite websites made by classmates would have to be: Nikki J and Haleema S's websites. Both their website were so cool and so creative and different from everyone else. Nikki's had so many cool features that made the website very fun and interactive. It had a lot of great information on it about protecting our earth which I think is pretty cool. Haleema's website was also very cool. It had fun graphics and it was over fashion and fun outfits that were put together on an app called Polyvore. What was also great about both of their websites was that they both looked so professional! This project was very fun and I enjoyed it!

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