Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21/17 Canva vs. Lucid Press

I had a lot of fun using both of these design programs. I feel like Canva was very easy to join and use. It had a simple layout of options which was very nice. Some pros of Canva is they have easy accessibility for design options and the designs they have a very fun and neat. Some cons of Canva were some of the design options that looked cool costed many and there were many of those options too. Some pros of Lucid Press were they had specific templates already made for certain projects and it was fairly easy to use too. Lucid Press had some cons too. It costed money to have the pro version of Lucid Press and there weren't too many fonts to choose from. In my opinion, Canva created the nicest, trendiest documents because they had so many fun options to choose from and use. Canva probably provided the most free features, but there was still a lot to buy. Lucid Press did have many free features too,  but I think Canva had a larger variety. My favorite design program would probably have to be Canva. There were a lot of fun options, colors, and fonts to choose from. It was a very creative and fun site to use. 

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