Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5/16/17 Emerging Technology Class Reflection

I had so much fun in Emerging Technology this semester. I loved all the hands-on projects we did, and all the cool and different software we used throughout second semester. What I enjoyed most about the class was how great all the projects were, and how I understand technology way more now after taking this class. I feel like my technology skills have improved immensely, and I can now understand it on another level. I liked all the great feedback I was given, and Mrs. Peres helped us understand the assignments more when things got a little challenging. My favorite assignment over the whole semester would probably be the website because I got to make a fun website about something I enjoyed. I got to customize it in a unique and intriguing way too. It was very easy to understand as well which also made the project more enjoyable. I currently don't have any suggestions on how to improve the class for next year because this year was pretty awesome. Everything was really organized and fun which also made the class great. This was a really fun class, and it helped make my second semester great!

Monday, May 15, 2017

5/12/17 How To Video

I had a lot of fun using PowerPoint Mix and Office 365! I really enjoyed this assignment; however, I felt super awkward making all the recordings and videos, and I cringe whenever I watch my presentation. Haha oh well. I really did enjoy making this project though. With the time I had to compare Office 365 and Google drive material, I probably prefer google for accessing it throughout other computers and at home, but I loved the features Office 365 offered for the PowerPoint. I probably would use PPT Mix again if the future if I truly needed it for a school project or something related to it. Otherwise, I don't know when I would use it. It is a great tool to learn how to use though.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4 Website Reflection

I really enjoyed building my own website! I really liked using Wix because it gave me a lot of cool options to choose from in order to make my website. I didn't  have enough time to try Weebly because I was too far in creating my website on Wix. I found it actually pretty easy to navigate and work with Wix while creating my website. However, there was a little tutorial I did that really helped me catch on to how use Wix. I would really like to use Wix to create a website in the future! It was easy to use once I got the hang of it and the end results of the websites look so professional. The free option gave you a lot of options to create a website with. My two favorite websites made by classmates would have to be: Nikki J and Haleema S's websites. Both their website were so cool and so creative and different from everyone else. Nikki's had so many cool features that made the website very fun and interactive. It had a lot of great information on it about protecting our earth which I think is pretty cool. Haleema's website was also very cool. It had fun graphics and it was over fashion and fun outfits that were put together on an app called Polyvore. What was also great about both of their websites was that they both looked so professional! This project was very fun and I enjoyed it!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017

4/25 Website Selection

I have never created a website before. I have heard of Weebly and Wix before though. After looking through both the websites I decided to make my website on Wix. I loved all the available options I had access to. For my website, I decided to do it on dance. I'm going to post somethings about my studio and some other fun websites for dance wear. I may even involve a dance DIY (do it yourself) of some sort. I kind of want my website to be a dancer blog. So hopefully it will turn out pretty well, and I'm excited to create it!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/18/17 Current Event #5

I had a lot of fun making this current event. It was involved a new technology that helped girls learn computational skills. The software used to help the girls learn these skills was a software using dance, movement, and choreography. This really struck me because I had no idea that dance could help people learn about programming and computational/science skills. It was very cool to see just how dance can impact technology. This type of technology was described as the future for girls moving into a science career.

Current Event