Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/18/17 Current Event #5

I had a lot of fun making this current event. It was involved a new technology that helped girls learn computational skills. The software used to help the girls learn these skills was a software using dance, movement, and choreography. This really struck me because I had no idea that dance could help people learn about programming and computational/science skills. It was very cool to see just how dance can impact technology. This type of technology was described as the future for girls moving into a science career.

Current Event 

Monday, April 17, 2017

4/17 Favorite New Apps

Personally, I really enjoyed this project. I had a lot of fun picking out an app that I wanted to research. I got the ability to pick an app I wanted, and I got to collaborative on it with my classmates. I was able to try and persuade them to get the app which was pretty interesting as well. What was also good about this project is that I'm using the app my project was over. The app, iHomework 2, has really helped keep my homework and study days organized. I feel less stressed about my homework schedule and dance schedule thanks to my app I did for this project.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

4/13/17 Survey

4/13/17 Online Forms/Surveys

I have never used Google Drive to create any form of some sort. I honestly don't know what this means entirely... I do feel that it has something to do with a survey or something like that. I have no experience with survey-generating software. I guess I could have used it if i took a survey for the school, but other than that I have never used it to make one. I have not used any of them or know what kinds of companies with survey-generating software out there. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

4/4/17 Apps

I use apps a lot throughout my day. Whenever I am on my phone I usually go to an app to waste some time. They make my life easier by being able to communicate with my friends through my phone, organize my information, put together my calendar, do some online shopping, and being able to watch movies and shows. I honestly couldn't imagine my life with out apps. I wouldn't be able to do any of the things I mentioned earlier on my phone. What other purpose would a phone have if it didn't have apps? There is no way I could live with out apps on my phone. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

4/3/2017 My Weekend

My weekend was very crazy and busy dance weekend. On Friday night I got to babysit, and once I was done I had to get all my dance costumes together because this past weekend was spacing and dress rehearsal for me. On Saturday I woke up at 6:00 am and got ready for spacing rehearsal. I got to spacing rehearsal at 7:10 am and I was ready to start my day. I danced all day until 6:30 pm. After dancing, I got to babysit again that night. Then on Sunday I had dress rehearsal. I danced all day in my costumes so we could look at what needed to be done to some of them, and also to see if they were ready for the dance competitions coming up soon. Once my day of dance was done I went to my sister's volleyball game. By the time I got home I went to bed because I was so tired. My weekend was very busy!