Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1/31/17 Words for Teenagers

I thought this newspaper clip was very powerful for it being a very small bit of this article. I strongly agree with what John Tapene says about what teenagers should do. He was telling us that teenagers need to go out in the world, and do their part as young adults. He is telling this group of people to do their chores, homework, read, visit the sick, and get a job. He wants the point to get across to them that they have to take action today, and how the world owes them nothing. They can't wait around for someone to do it; they have to be that someone.  "You are too important and you are needed. It's too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday," said Tapene, "Someday is now and that somebody is you!"


Friday, January 27, 2017

1/26/17 Social Bookmarking CE

I have a completely new understanding of social bookmarking after ready this article. It gave me incredible insight of what the social bookmarking world looks like. Social bookmarking is a very helpful and beneficial tool. It helps you get to the sites you want quicker and easier, and it is a great organizing tool too. I learned about del.icio.us, a renowned social bookmarking web site, and I hope to use it sometime soon, so I can be able to use a variety of different social bookmarking sites. I had a lot of fun researching and learning more about social bookmarking.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1/26/17 Reflection on Chrome and Symbaloo

The two most efficient bookmarking programs are Chrome and Symbaloo. They are both easy to use. For me Symbaloo is more fun to use because you can add a visual element to this program, and have a fun way to organize what you need. Symbaloo also has the ability to share other web mixes with other people using Symbaloo.  On the other hand, Chrome only has a small tab bar and the ability to put stuff in folders. It is better to use Chrome bookmarking when you are wanting to quickly pull up a link. Symbaloo was my favorite one, but both programs are awesome to use.

1/24 Introduction to Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is quite fascinating. It is a tool people use to help them organize, store, search, and manage their web pages. I learned about this tool in my Emerging Technologies class. It is very convenient for people to quickly get to the websites they need. It is a big time saver when you are in a crunch to get stuff done. It is a very efficient tool to use too. You can even create folders to organize your websites even further. There is even one called Symbaloo. Symbaloo lets you put certain web links in a visual setting. It keeps you very organized. I have found social bookmarking very sufficient to use.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1/23/17 Alphabetical Advice

Always be kind to others
Be you and only you
Calmness is key
Difference is good
Embrace who you are
Faith is important to have
Get to know others
Hugs always help
Ice cream makes everything better
Jump up and down with joy
Kill them with kindness
Learn to dance in the rain
Mistakes are a part of life
Never give up
Open up
Perseverance is what gets you through the tough stuff
Quitting should not be your easy way out
Reflect on the mistakes you've made, but don't dwell on them
Set your life on fire-seek those who fan your flames -rumi
Toxic relationships aren't worth your time
Understand that people are unpredictable
View the world with a positive mind
Wish not only for the best, but to make it through the worst
X out the haters
Your personality defines you
Zero effort is not an option

Thursday, January 19, 2017

1/17/17 - "PREZI Reflection"

I feel that Prezi was fairly easy to use. In fact, it was as easy as Power Point. The tools on Prezi were easy to find and use. I was able to apply what I wanted for the presentation quickly and efficiently. Personally I would choose Prezi over Power Point because the formatting and presentation of Prezi is visually better.
PREZI Presentation